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Retina Film Production Co., Ltd. is the coordinator company and provides Film Production services for foreign films that come to film in Thailand. Licensed by the Thailand Film Office is an office under the Department of Tourism, Ministry of Tourism and Sports. Its primary duty is to grant a shooting permit for foreign film production, to be a company that has the qualifications to provide production services, and coordinate foreign films and television series filmed in Thailand with more than 15 years of experience.

Retina Film Production represents our expertise in film coordinator and production service through a professional team with determination and highly motivated we offer the best production service standards in the production of movies for foreign filmmakers who shoot feature films, TV series, commercials, variety shows, reality shows, etc.
Retina Film Production has cautiously planned an efficient team to maintain professionalism and devotion to various types of products with a rigorous working concept to create the most professional work. 


Serve customers with professionalism and cautious and rigorous work for film production, TV shows, and the production of various types of entertainment for customers with excellent professional quality.

“If you are thinking of filming in Thailand, Think of Retina Film Production”

雷迪纳影视制作公司 是协调公司,为来泰国拍摄的外国电影提供电影制作服务。获得泰国电影局许可旅游部、旅游和体育部下属的办事处。其主要职责是授予外国电影制作拍摄许可,具有10年以上在泰国拍摄的外国影视剧制作服务和协调资质的公司。
雷迪纳公司 代表了我们在电影协调员和制作服务方面的专业知识,由一支具有决心和积极性的专业团队,我们拍摄故事片、电视剧、广告、综艺节目、真人秀等
雷迪纳公司 精心策划,高效团队,以严谨的工作理念,保持专业精神和对各类产品的投入,打造最专业的作品。 雷迪纳的最新作品包括《唐人街探案 3》中国、《误杀》中国、《唐人街探案系列》中国、《大盜演》香港、《旁门左道》中国、《人盾》中国、爱我你敢吗?    中国、爱.革命 Love Revolution(香港)、雏妓 Sara(香港)等


“如果您正在考虑在泰国拍摄,请考虑 雷迪纳公司。


  • There is a Retina Film Production Company representative in Beijing to provide coordinated services, document consolidation, and facilitate the filing of Chinese visas.

  • Ability to look for co-investors in film production and sponsors where appropriate.

  • Can provide both Thai actors and the talented leading male and female performers in Thailand for foreign film production companies.


Retina Film Production Company provides Film Services and Coordinates foreign filmmaker company that wants to shoot film in Thailand.

We offer the best production service standards in the production of Films for foreign filmmakers who shoot feature films, TV series, commercials, variety shows, reality shows, etc.


Our company is comprised of a group of passionate people in the film and television industry.

By gathering experienced personnel in many professions with professionalism and the rigorous work done to make the film and TVs production are very professional.


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